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Yo actor.. artista.. persona.. mujer.. Observar y sentir las pequeñas cosas que estan en nuestro entorno. Respirar y estar presente aquí y ahora! Sentirse conectado y, por lo tanto, compartir una experiencia basada en esta "nueva" forma de actuar / vivir, que integra consciencia/presencia, individual / social, un activismo espiritual hacia un mundo más consciente/coherente y creativo.

I start as an actress.. what the hell means this word!? But I can say just to facilitate communication, that my background, my training is theatre!


I did my studies in a wonderful theatre School called “ Academia Contemporânea do Espectáculo”, In English it is something like; contemporary school of perfomrming arts,  well in that time it was one of the best in town!! Portugal- Porto city. 


The concept about my work as performer&workshop facilitator is associated to communication in&in action! It means to be able to share something that we know. Our thoughts and feelings can be shared through our body, voice, mind&emotions with creativity!


Still working



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